Our Blog

June 14, 2024
A Comprehensive Guide on How to Find Businesses for Sale

If you're looking to acquire a business for any reason, whether as part of a growing portfolio or simply to become an entrepreneur without starting entirely from scratch, one of the first big tasks on your plate is finding available businesses of quality. How do you find businesses for sale, and then move forward in […]

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June 11, 2024
Ultimate Handbook for Valuing Businesses for Sale

There are several vital concepts to be considered when it comes to selling a business, and placing the proper value on it during the sale and negotiation process is absolutely on this list. How can you ensure you've valued your business properly, and are not overpricing or, even worse, underpricing a business you've worked hard […]

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April 25, 2024
Honoring Wayne Simpson- A Legacy of Excellence 2024

Wayne A. Simpson, Master CPA, CBI, M&AMI, bids farewell to Utah Business Consultants after decades of invaluable service. Graduating from the University of Utah in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting, Wayne embarked on a remarkable journey that has left an indelible mark on the field of business consultancy. From 1974 to […]

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April 9, 2024
Business Valuation Factors: Cycles, Supply, HR

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at some of the primary factors that tend to influence a business valuation when it's calculated. Whether for the purposes of selling a business or for various other reasons, business valuations are important processes - and knowing which key elements will play a role in […]

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March 12, 2024
Business Valuation Factors: Products, IP, Margins

There are a few processes that can be vital to business owners both during prospective sales and in many other scenarios as well, and a great example here is a business valuation. While business valuations are often carried out when you're looking into the possibility of selling your business, many savvy business owners also maintain […]

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February 27, 2024
Business Sale Myths: Debt, Control, Percentage

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the most common myths and misconceptions that tend to still be found in the world of business sales. Having the proper information ahead of a sale or purchase of a business is vital, and these myths often get in the way of […]

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January 9, 2024
Business Sale Myths: Qualifications, LOI

There are many areas of the business world where myths and misconceptions can be quite damaging, and business sales are a great example. As a business seller looking to get the very best value and sale terms for your business, having proper information is vital - and this means steering clear of some of the […]

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December 12, 2023
Business Seller Financing Factors: Taxes, Creditors, Closing

In part one of this two-part series, we went over some basic considerations that should be kept in mind when providing seller financing as the seller of a business. This is a common arrangement for some business sales, and one where sellers need to do their due diligence and know all the relevant information before […]

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November 14, 2023
Business Seller Financing Factors: Debt, Interest, Collateral

Financing is a common topic of discussion and negotiation during most business sales, and one particularly frequent form of financing that's often considered is seller financing. Some small business sales in particular come with some level of seller financing, and as a seller, ensuring you're knowledgeable and prepared for any such negotiations is important. At […]

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