Our Blog

October 10, 2023
Business Sale Blockers: Third Parties, Financials

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the reasons why a business sale may not close successfully or otherwise fall through. While the goal of every business sale is to be completed without any hassle or issue to any party involved, the reality is that this isn't always possible […]

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October 4, 2023
Unlocking Success Through Business Valuation

Business valuation is a critical factor in the strategic planning of exit strategies, especially for Utah Business Consultants. This process involves assessing a range of factors to determine a business's economic worth, offering valuable insights that impact decision-making and negotiations. For Integrated Talent LLC, having a precise understanding of business value is essential for making […]

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September 12, 2023
Business Sale Blockers: Buyer and Seller Factors

While the goal of every business sale is to efficiently allow for the purchase of a business by one party from another, the reality is that this isn't always accomplished. There are a few reasons why business sales may not close successfully, or may fall through before they reach the finish line - and knowing […]

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July 11, 2023
Business Sale Term Sheets: Basics and Structure

There are a few key pieces of documentation that may play a major role in a business sale of any kind, and one that will definitely be considered during this process is known as a terms sheet. The terms sheets represent a prospective buyer's potential offer and some of its basic terms, and is vital […]

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June 13, 2023
Business Sale Due Diligence: Customers and Personnel

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at some of the basic elements of the due diligence process during a business sale to keep in mind. Due diligence is one of the most important final parts of any sale, one that involves the buyer looking closely into several important parts of the […]

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May 9, 2023
Business Sale Due Diligence: Products, Copyrights, Finances

While a business sale may feel very close to finished once the buyer and seller have both signed a letter of intent to move forward in the final stages, there's still one more major hurdle to cross. This is known as due diligence, and it's an important process where all parties involved can make some […]

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April 11, 2023
Phases of Business Sale Closing: Financing, Final Agreement

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the initial elements that play a major role in closing a business sale of any kind. Closing your sale is one of the final and most important stages you'll go through, and knowing the basic steps to move through will be very […]

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March 14, 2023
Phases of Business Sale Closing: LOI and Due Diligence

There are a few important parts of a typical business sale, and one of the most important as you're nearing a final agreement is known as closing. Closing itself, however, also contains a number of typical phases that are generally covered to ensure that all parties are protected and have their interests met. At Utah […]

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February 14, 2023
Positivity in Utah Business Sales: Operations and Transparency

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at some of the ways to keep things positive during business sales, plus why positivity is so important in many sale situations. Not only will this allow you to keep the focus on the most positive aspects of your business as you market it to […]

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