By Debbie Allen

Updated May 11, 2017

Everyday small business owners (retailers) make drastic mistakes when selling their business and lose thousands of dollars in the process. All their hard work and long-term investment goes down the drain. As entrepreneurs, they had once dreamed of owning their own business and building it to success. They then plan to reap the rewards in the form of a successful business sale. Sounds like a great plan! But, making the sale is not as easy as it may appear.

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So you’ve been in Corporate America too long; you can no longer stomach the grind, the stress, and the hours.  You’ve been padding your corporation’s pocket, yet your pockets are seemingly empty.  Something has to change.  You realize that changing companies might provide a different view, but what you really yearn for is a whole new landscape, the ability to create and mold your environment to your own advantage.  And you want to feel duly compensated for the brainstorms, the headaches, and the emotional wear and tear. What are you waiting for? You have the skills, why not start your own business?

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