Business Valuation Factors: Cycles, Supply, HR

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at some of the primary factors that tend to influence a business valuation when it's calculated. Whether for the purposes of selling a business or for various other reasons, business valuations are important processes - and knowing which key elements will play a role in their results will be quite helpful.

At Utah Business Consultants, we're here to offer comprehensive business valuation services to business owners across Salt Lake City and other parts of Utah, whether you're looking into selling a business or simply want a proper business appraisal for one of several other reasons. While part one of our series went over factors like products, services, intellectual property (IP), and profit margins, today's part two will look at some other major variables that factor into the resulting value of a business.

Business Valuation Factors

Business Life Cycle

One element that will influence some business valuations is the current stage of the business's life cycle. Depending on where a company falls within this economic cycle - whether it's just starting out, experiencing rapid growth, or nearing maturity - its valuation may change significantly.

For example, a young startup with high potential for growth may have a minimal valuation than an established business that has proven and maintained profitability. However, it's important to note that a business's life cycle is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to valuation, and other factors will still need to be considered.

Economic Conditions

The state of the economy will also have a significant impact on business valuations. In a strong economy with high consumer confidence and low interest rates, businesses may be valued higher due to increased demand and potential for growth. On the other hand, during a recession or economic downturn, businesses may be valued lower due to decreased demand and uncertainty about the strength of future profitability.

Supply Chains

Another important consideration in business valuations is the state of a company's supply chain. This refers to the network of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors that a business relies on to produce and deliver its products or services. A strong and efficient supply chain can add value to a business, while any weaknesses or disruptions in the supply chain may lower its valuation.

For instance, if a company relies heavily on a single supplier for a crucial component, the risk of supply chain disruptions can be higher and may result in a lower valuation. On the other hand, having multiple suppliers and backup plans in place can increase the value of a business.


The level of competition within an industry or market is another factor that may influence business valuations. A business operating in a highly competitive market may be valued lower due to potential threats from other companies and the need for constant innovation and adaptation within the market. On the other hand, a business with a unique product or service that has little competition may have a higher valuation.

Management and Human Resources

The strength and experience of a company's key management can also impact its valuation. Businesses with competent and skilled leadership may be valued higher due to their ability to make strategic decisions and drive growth without direct day to day influence from the owner. Additionally, companies with a strong and motivated workforce may also have higher valuations, as the quality of human resources is often seen as an indicator of future success.

Accuracy of Data for the Valuation

Finally, it's important to note that the accuracy and reliability of the data used in a business valuation can greatly affect its results. If the information used is outdated, incomplete, or inaccurate, it can lead to an incorrect valuation. Therefore, it's crucial to work with experienced and reputable professionals who have access to reliable data sources for an accurate business valuation.

Business valuations are complex processes that require careful consideration of various factors. Understanding these key elements and how they affect a business's valuation is essential for business owners when making informed decisions about the future of a company. At Utah Business Consultants, our team has the expertise and experience needed to provide accurate and comprehensive business valuations. This will help you make educated decisions with confidence. Contact us today to learn more about your personal Exit Plan or any of our business sale services around Utah!

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